1969 the school was named Joint Embassy School. Given the name because it is
filled by the children of expatriates who come from the UK, USA, Australia and
Yugoslavia. The school funding by the embassies of these countries. After going
through nearly six decades since its founding, the school now offers education
for elementary to high school level. Now the school is located in Cilandak,
South Jakarta, it educates approximately 2,400 students from 60 countries.
Teachers who work in hundreds JIS representing 20 different kewarganeagaraan.
They have a foundation that is responsible for the management of the school.
The foundation consists of eleven people from the UK embassy, the United
States, and Australia. Representatives of Yugoslavia did not fall into the
foundation for the country's already broke and splintered into several
countries. The Foundation was tasked to determine the direction of school
education and have a principal.
behind the magnificent school that there
are events that tarnished the world of education. There has been a sexual
assault on proteges. Sexual abuse committed by teachers and school employees.
Rape case began to unfold in 2013. Has become a byword and parents. But the
case is not too exposures, because there is no legal requirement at all. The
school seemed to shut their eyes to these events. Yet it is clear that many
children have become victims. Events that occur repeatedly. And boys who are
victims of sexual abuse are now contracted venereal disease. There are also a
result of having herpes immoral. cases of sexual harassment were revealed by
the victim's family because he thought the school did not act quickly. Though
the victim lawyer, a teacher at the school was supposed to be faster realize
when there is a change in the attitude of the students.
harassment is also done by two people janitor. They did in the badroom. school
students do not care about the old invisible on the abuse occurred. The boy
eventually reported the incident to her mother after school. The events that
unfold as the parents of victims to speak out after the school considered
negligent in the case. The school also terminate the employment of the ISS, a
leading provider of employee janitor named as a suspect. ISS employees were
also no longer have access to get into the school environment. Two employees it
was called was arrested by the police. Hopefully this incident does not happen
again. And the authorities to investigate cases that have tarnished the world
of education and the future of the children. And provide a deterrent effect on
offenders. and more importantly, the parents also have to be more clever would
care for their children.
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